Welcome to China to paricipate in the 10 year China 2025 project

  • The Made in China 2025 strategy is a 10-year national plan designed to transform China from a manufacturing giant into a global high-tech manufacturing power.

    German companies in China believe the Made in China 2025 strategy will generate benefits for their operations in the country over the next five years, the German Chamber of Commerce in China said on Tuesday.

    The survey interviewed 426 companies on issues related to business outlook, investment climate and market conditions.

    Many Germany companies, especially from the machinery, chemicals, automotive and pharmaceutical sectors, have already shifted their focus to the automation and digitalization growth areas, as well as forming partnerships with local companies to retain stable growth," he said.

    The survey said German companies with plants in China were asked about the status and potential of the German government's Industry 4.0 strategy for their local operations in China. Eighty-three percent see the suitability of implementing Industry 4.0 within their own production processes as a given.

    Fourteen percent already point to the intensive or partial use of technologies related to Industry 4.0. One in two companies is implementing or planning for it. The automotive industry is furthest ahead in development toward Industry 4.0.

    If in the decades it was rather for giants like VW and SIEMENS because China had ever experienced a rough and scale economy development, now it is a real time for SME's, for companies with innnovation and flexibilities.

    We warmly invite you to come to China, to work with us, to participate in and win from the 10 year China 2015 project.